CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (August 2022)
August 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s August meeting on the 15th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Attendance: Josh, David, Mart, Elizabeth, Charlie, Nathan, Emily, Alex
Look at sign up workflow on website to help members navigate various CRCA requirements more easily, including creating a handy checklist of things that need to be done (USAC team name change, etc)
Start planning EOY party
Multiple podium shots and race pictures of members not adhering to the CRCA patch rule, from both sub-teams and unaffiliated members, even after reminder email
Unaffiliated to get 2 patches for free at time of signup to address
Discussion of sub-team captain meeting(s) with Director of Teams at the beginning of the season to explain what the club provides for teams, what responsibilities the teams have to the club, and outline requirements of team captains
Grants Tomb scheduled for June 24rd 2023, approaching Harlem RD about possible 2023 NYC Crit week
Seeking member volunteers for Fort George Hill Climb
Post weekend race newsletter with rider recaps and mentions of incidents the membership should be aware of to be blasted out by Communications Director. Will ensure timely communication of race incidents as well as engage membership in race weekends.
Vote to provide unaffiliated racers with 2 CRCA patches for free at time of signup passed unanimously
Request from membership to review field structures
Can a masters field be added more frequently?
Can cat 3s who might not be ready for the A field have a less challenging field to race in?
Director of Club racing to come up with ideas and discuss at next board meeting
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (July 2022)
July 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s July meeting on the 18th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Tara, Emily, Elizabeth, Alex, Mart, Charlie, Nathan, Mitchell
Working to develop training and vetting program for mentors in clinics
Discussion around high number of no-shows in last race and messaging to teams to resolve
Member who was pepper sprayed by angry park user to be given 3 marshal credits
Hardest working position on the board is crushing it
Last 3 open races almost nailed down
Discussion about increasing moto pay to cover increase in gas prices and get a larger pool of potential moto riders was had, no decision reached yet
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (June 2022)
June 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s June meeting on the 20th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Randy, Nathan, Alex, Emily, Tara, Mitchell, Charlie, Josh, David
Working to get non-timed WDev riders results posted faster, current timing is 3-4 days.
New policy created for members leaving halfway through year and communicated out to membership.
Investigating upgrades for moto radios to help with communication
New flashy deck created to give to prospective sponsors for events
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (May 2022)
May 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s May meeting on the 2nd of June at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Josh, Randy, Mart, Tara, Mitch, Alex, Emily, Nathan, Charlie
Reduce membership fee and marshal requirement
Contact team about team member not being a club member.
Start a membership ride!
Mid Season survey to be sent out regarding race length and other questions
Discussion and review of video from C field rider and moto crash
Agreed C field was neutralized for sufficient time before moto attempted to pass
Determined moto gave sufficient room to field while passing
Rider veered hard left and way out of field, moto had no way to avoid
Race Director payment structure for Open Racing
Budget is $3000 for non Central Park races, $750 for CP races
Director of Open Racing to either hire outside RD or retain RD fee at discretion or split amongst a group, with oversight from Treasurer
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (April 2022)
April 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s April meeting on the 20th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Randy Locklair, David Shirzad, Elizabeth Tobey, Mart de Graaf, Mitchell Napolitano, Tara Parsons, Charlie Stein, Alex Klafehn, Josh Sakofsky
Check-in issues with previous years numbers being used and racers not taking required skills session when needed to be addressed.
Reminder to Stephen for motos not to enter rec lane and pass fields and park users safely
Defib purchased for use
Draft changes to Code of Conduct for use next year to include wording regarding penalties for harassment.
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (March 2022)
March 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s March meeting on the 30th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Randy Locklair, David Shirzad, Elizabeth Tobey, Emily Singleton, Mart de Graaf, Mitchell Napolitano, Nathan Brauer, Tara Parsons, Charlie Stein, Alex Klafehn, Josh Sakofsky
Price of chips increasing to $65 due to cost increase
Lasker descent continued construction concerns
Ensure LOUD communications at race start
Concerns around lap count and field start order
Determined too early to decide and collect more data
Request made to create a paid Race Director role per Open Race event based on workload (15-20hrs per week for 3-4 weeks leading up to event) which can either be outsourced or taken on by the Open Racing Director was approved unanimously. Amount per race to be determined.
Paid CRCDF backlog of dues from Donor members
Non-CRCA members cannot perform team duties for CRCA teams when mentoring
Non-CRCA members cannot mentor unless chosen by VP of Rider Development and must hold a valid USAC license.
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (February 2022)
February 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held it’s February meeting on the 10th at 7pm. Minutes from that meeting follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance: Randy Locklair, David Shirzad, Elizabeth Tobey, Emily Singleton, Mart de Graaf, Mitchell Napolitano, Nathan Brauer, Tara Parsons, Charlie Stein, Nathan Brauer, Alex Klafehn, Josh Sakofsky
Member signup opening 2/14, communications sent out
Permits filed for all events
No more paid substitutes organized through CRCA. This became a full time job to organize for a volunteer Board member and members are responsible for their own marshal duties.
CRCA Board Meeting Minutes (January 2022)
January 2022 Board meeting minutes
The all-volunteer CRCA Board held two January meetings. Minutes from those meetings follow below. If you have any questions or concerns about meeting minutes please reach out to Josh Sakofsky (Secretary), or any CRCA Board Member.
Virtual Attendance
Vote to reinstate COVID-19 vaccine mandate for all races was approved unanimously
Vote to appoint Mart de Graaf Marshal Director approved unanimously
Vote to relieve 2021 Board members of their marshal duty for 2022 approved unanimously
Reviewed goals of 2022 season
Membership Growth and Outreach
Becoming a Unified Voice for Racing in NYC
Increasing pride in the club
Organizational Comms
Reliance on “The Van”
Advocacy and Intra-Organizational Work
Bylaw Review
Details of redesigned open racing event co-op format discussed
Teams to be more involved in success of OR events as part of team duty
Vote to keep 2020 membership pricing intact approved unanimously
Lucarelli & Castaldi Club Race #11 [Individual Club Championships] - Pre-Race Instructions
Race Date: Sunday, 8/14/22
Technical Guide: Link (please be aware of, and abide by, the COVID safety protocols)
Marshal check-in: 5:05 AM
Number Pickup open / close: 5:05 AM / 5:40 AM
Start time: 5:55 AM
Fields (Laps):
W - 4.7
A - 6.7
B - 5.7
MAST - 4.7
W/D - 3.7
Format: Scratch
Finish: Tavern on the Green
Results: Link