It’s that time of year again, folks! We are opening up nominations for the 2025 CRCA Board of Directors. The nomination period will remain open through Sunday, October 27. Elections will follow shortly thereafter in accordance with CRCA Bylaws.

We encourage members to run for the position they feel best suits their skill set and interest, regardless of whether it is contested. We encourage everyone to run for the board, whether you have experience with CRCA (or another organization) before or if it’s your first time. If you are part of the club, your view point matters, and can help make us better! Having a mix of new and returning Board makes for a sustainable and operationally efficient team.

Below are candid summaries of the operational job duties that you can expect to execute in each position, along with an estimated time commitment. As always, please feel free to reach out to any Board Member with questions on a particular position.

Each member of the all-volunteer Board plays a critical role in continuing CRCA’s legacy of sanctioned bike racing in New York City. The Board ensures that the Club remains successful, both financially and operationally. Board members are tasked with identifying priorities and making critical decisions affecting the Club's current and future trajectory. The occasional work-load is well worth the reward of seeing our product in "action" at Club and Open races, and watching the NYC racing community continue to thrive and in many ways, set an example for other regions.

Nominations of yourself or others may be submitted electronically to secretary@crca.net.

Please submit a brief personal statement along with your nomination acceptance or self-nomination, describing your involvement with the Club or the bike racing community, your motivation for running, and why you believe you are a good fit for the role you are seeking. These statements will be published on crca.net once nominations are finalized.

We are looking forward to another full racing calendar in 2025 and, so thank you in advance for stepping up to help ensure another successful year of CRCA racing!


Job Duties Summary

Below is a summary of each Board position per the CRCA Bylaws as well as a summary of the typical job duties and time commitment required for each role. Please do not hesitate to reach out to any Board member with questions you may have about a role.

In addition to each individual role, Board members are expected to attend monthly Board Meetings and assist other members of the Board as needed throughout the year in putting on a full season of CRCA Club and Open Races, Clinics, Coaching Sessions and Social Events.

President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall represent, or assign a Member to represent, the Association to all outside parties, shall ensure that the agenda at all membership and Board of Directors meetings is carried out, and shall ensure that other elected Officers are pursuing the duties of their respective offices.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Oversee general operations of the Club throughout the season 

  • Work closely with and support each fellow Board Member to ensure successful completion of operational tasks

  • Serve as Club liaison for majority of community oriented/public-facing activities (e.g., advocacy, NYSBRA/USAC, fellow promoters, parks)

  • Coordinate & delegate tasks for any staffing shortages

  • Primarily responsible for addressing issues as they arise involving the Club generally

  • Chair Board Meetings

  • Preparation of Donor Letters

Time Commitment: 10 hrs/week (in-season), 3-5 hrs/week (off-season) with heavy early season load

Vice President of Rider Development. The Vice President of Rider Development shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing the training and development activities of the Association, with the assistance of a committee that may comprise Members and nonmembers; shall submit a schedule of planned training and development activities to the Communications Director for communication to Members; and shall assume the regular duties of the President if the President shall be incapacitated or in any way unable to perform those duties.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Primarily responsible for the successful operations of the Club’s Coaching program, including new member orientation and new member skills clinics as well as other group coaching sessions

  • Schedule weekly coaching sessions throughout the year via online RSVP program and populate club calendar

  • Recruit qualified coaches, both long term and as guest coaches

  • Coordinate events involving new racer recruitment and rider development

  • Manage coaching event permits with USACycling

Time Commitment:  2-3 hours/ week February- September

Vice President of Racing. The Vice President of Racing shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing the racing activities of the Association, with the assistance of a committee that may comprise Members and nonmembers; shall submit a schedule of planned racing activities to the Communications Director for communication to the Members, and propose rules governing the conduct of Association races for approval by the Board of Directors.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Responsible for entire Central Park Club Racing Season (12 races from March - September)

  • Obtain permits for Club Series

  • Coordinate/Communicate Club Racing Operations staff before and after every club race (e.g., Parks, Ambulance, Moto Coordinator, Results, Officials, Race Staff)

  • Coordinate results related feedback & racer communication

  • Generally responsible for relationship building/communications with Parks Dept.

  • Recruits or acts as Race Director(s) for Club Racing events, as approved by the Board of Directors

Time Commitment: 10 hours a week (if a race weekend) with a heavy pre and post season prep.

Secretary. The Secretary shall give notice of and attend Association membership meetings and Board of Directors meetings; shall keep a record of such proceedings; shall submit a summary of such proceedings to the Communications Director for communication to the Members; shall maintain a record of Association policies; and shall provide a copy of the current by-laws, policies, or any minutes upon request by any Member.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Schedule Board meeting, collate and publish agenda, and keep/publish minutes

  • Oversees Board Nominee/Elections

  • Assist Communications Director with content publication

  • Assist Treasurer with Banking and finances

  • Assist President on miscellaneous tasks

Time Commitment: 5 hrs/month

Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received and expended by and for the Association; shall make disbursements authorized by the Board of Directors; shall present a written report of the financial condition of the Association to the Board as of the last business day of each fiscal quarter; and shall render a complete statement of the Association’s financial condition and inventory of property as of December 31 of each year to the Board and, once approved by the Board, for communication to the Members.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Oversee Club’s finances and budgets

  • Work closely with Director of Open Racing and Club Racing on budgeting for the race season

  • Responsible for Club’s bank accounts and reimbursement of expenses

  • Responsible for overseeing Club tax preparation and Insurance matters

Time Commitment: 5-10 hrs/week (in-season), 5hrs/week (off-season) with heavy early season load

Public Relations Director. The Public Relations Director shall represent the Association to the media, government and other organizations on all issues of public opinion and attitudes, in order to win and maintain public and government support for the Association, its programs and cyclists in general; and advise the Board of Directors on the public relations implications of the Association Policies.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Primarily responsible for Club Sponsorship recruitment and activation, and primary point of contact for Club Sponsors

  • Works with Club President and Communications Director on public facing communications

Time Commitment:  5-10 hrs/week in season; 1-3 hours per week off season with heavy late fall and early season load

Membership Director. The Membership Director shall promote membership in the Association; respond to membership inquiries; receive membership applications and dues payments; forward dues received to the Treasurer; acknowledge new Members; and maintain a roster of Association Members and prepare it for communication to the Members.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Responsible for Club Membership activities, including opening and monitoring membership opening/renewal via online portal, and related announcements

  • Primarily responsible for New Member recruitment and member retention

  • Works closely with VP Rider Development on new member related events

  • Works closely with Communications Director on creating new member friendly website and social media content

  • Primarily responsible for communications with members regarding Club membership and new racer questions

  • Oversees Club Number pickup and other member/recruitment/community outreach social events throughout the year

Time Commitment: 15 hrs/week January - March, 5-15 hrs/week rest of season, 0-5 hrs/week post-season

Communications Director. The Communications Director shall be responsible for the composition of communications to Members.  In addition to communications required elsewhere within the By-laws, the Communications Director shall be responsible for providing timely communications of Association activities including a list of all Association events, a summary of the proceedings of the Board of Directors meetings (as prepared by the Secretary and approved by the Board), any other business the President or Board of Directors may order for communication to the membership, and, at the Communications Director’s discretion, any materials submitted for publication by Members or nonmembers.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Primarily responsible for creating/curating website and social media content, including updating the website annually with current race/even information, generating regular Club news/content/stories, managing Club social media channels

  • Assist fellow board members with messaging

Time Commitment: 5-10 hours in season, 5 out (monthly)

Marshal Director. The Marshal Director shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing the fulfillment of the Association’s needs for marshals at races, including the development of marshal procedures and policy, the scheduling of Members’ marshaling assignments, the appointment of a marshal captain for each race and maintaining records of Members’ marshaling service.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Responsible for coordinating marshal staffing for entire CRCA Club Race Series and all Open races

  • Works closely with Club Racing and Open Racing Director throughout the year to ensure every race is adequately staffed

  • Works with paid marshal staff to ensure gaps are filled

  • Works closely with Director of Teams relating to any team marshal duty

  • Responsible for updating CRCA database with marshal counts and updates

  • Responsive to marshaling questions and education 

  • Responsible for marshal related enforcement tasks and improvement of marshal attendance

  • Responsible for Pre-race attendance check and feedback to Club Racing/Open Racing to ensure races are safe to start

Time Commitment: 4-8 hrs per week (generally lighter pre and post race season) 

Director of Open Racing. The Director of Open Racing shall be responsible for the administrative tasks in running an Open Race, including permitting, working with stakeholders, registration, finances, staffing, procurement, marketing, and communications.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Responsible for season long Open Racing Calendar

  • Oversees preparation for each Open Race (e.g., permitting, communications with necessary stakeholders such as NYPD/parks, USAC, Refs, Results, Vendors, Staffing, BikeReg, Volunteers)

  • Recruits or acts as Race Director(s) for Open Racing events, as approved by the Board of Directors

  • Works closely with other Board Members, Staff and Volunteers on successful Open Race operations

  • Works closely with Treasurer on budgeting

Time Commitment: approximately 80 hours of work for each of the 2 non-Central Park Open Races (Grant's Tomb, Bear Mountain), plus approximately 40 hours of work for the Central Park open races. Total race specific time commitment 280 hours, plus general board duties.

Director of Teams. The Director of Teams shall be responsible for arranging team contributions to the Association; provide an up-to-date roster of teams and team members to the Board of Directors and as required by others, and maintain liaison with team managers.

Job Duties Summary: 

  • Responsible for all Subteam applications and updating CRCA database and website with any new/changed teams

  • Assigns Team Duties early in the season and ensures Teams are reminded of upcoming duties and complete them satisfactorily

  • Serves as primary liaison with all Team Captains throughout the year and responsible for teams related communications

  • Works closely with Marshal, Club Racing and Open Racing director to ensure Club Races are adequately staffed

Time Commitment: 

This positions time commitment is loaded to the front of the season and lessens after the season gets going. January and February will involve a lot of communications with existing and new teams. Assigning team duties is the most time consuming part of this position. While we have an existing list of Team duties it’s worth touching base with current and previous RD’s to see if anything else is needed or can be deleted, so you have a list that matches the realities of the upcoming race season. Assigning team duties will also require some negotiating with team captains as some duties are far more labor intensive than others. There are notes in the prior years’ team duties chart, as to historical team assignments and preferences. 

January - March: 5-10 hours a week. Rest of Season: 3-5 hrs a week.

Director of Advocacy

Job Duties Summary:

  • Serve as liaison between CRCA Members, the Board and NYC permitting authorities and similar agencies to nurture CRCA’s position in, and relationship with, the broader community

  • Develop new initiatives and communicate opportunities for the Club and Members to get involved in advocacy efforts or outside programs that benefit the Club, its Members and the general bike racing and cycling community

  • Serve as liaison between CRCA and other organizations and programs that benefit the cycling community

  • Work closely with CRCA Board members on any advocacy related issues

Time Commitment: 3-10 hours a week