USA Cycling Release Forms

USAC Release form

USAC waivers are required to participate in all CRCA races, coaching sessions, and non-competitive events (e.g. Post race rides, the New Year's Day ride, etc.) 

All CRCA Season Pass and Racing members are required to submit a single, completed USAC waiver for the entire CRCA Club Series races and any other coaching, ride or special events.  Please print, sign, and scan the USAC Release Form and upload it to your account in the Members Portal section.

Please leave the top of the waiver blank.

Waivers may be available to purchase for a $5 donation to the Century Road Club Development Foundation but we are not able guarantee availability for every race.  If you do not submit a waiver you cannot race. 

volunteer Release form

All marshals are require to complete a Volunteer Release.  Your volunteer release can also be uploaded in the Members section.